Team League
Help us grow the Team League, spread the word that we play every Monday anytime between 1pm-6pm. If a team doesn’t have anyone else to play with, they can call in and sign up for 4:00 where we will pair teams together. Our goal is to get up to 20 teams competing so we can flight the teams.
Team League Details:
League Dues: $15. Fees are waived if you belong to one of our other leagues
Weekly Cost: $25. $15 of the entry fee goes back to payouts.
Hole in One: $20 initiation fee, $1 after each week
Formats: 2 person teams compete in formats such as: Best Ball, Shamble, Aggregate, Scramble, Alternate Shot, 3 Club challenge, Chicago, Powerball, and Skins.
For questions, email Mike at [email protected]